Blog Archives

The Ways Medicine Affects Oral Health

EVERY MEDICATION COMES with a list of potential side effects. Sometimes those side…

Posted in Blog, Dental Posts, General Dental, Pediatric

Daily Habits That Harm Our Teeth

OUR TOOTH ENAMEL holds the distinction of being the hardest substance in our bodies — even harder than…

Posted in Blog, Dental Posts, General Dental, Pediatric

How To Choose A Great Dentist

THERE ARE A NUMBER of reasons why someone might need a new dentist. Maybe their insurance changed, they’re moving to a new area, or they simply haven’t…

Posted in Blog, Dental Posts, General Dental, Pediatric

Common Toothbrush Mistakes To Avoid

MAINTAINING GOOD DENTAL health isn’t just about the quantity of your brushing — it’s also about the quality. There are several mistakes many…

Posted in Blog, Dental Posts, General Dental, Pediatric

How Does Swimming Affect Teeth?

HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED any extra sensitivity in your teeth after a fun afternoon swimming? You aren’t imagining things, though it usually…

Posted in Blog, Dental Posts, General Dental, Pediatric

What Are Those White Spots On My Teeth?

THERE ARE A LOT of things that can leave stains on our teeth, and stains can come in many…

Posted in Blog, Dental Posts, General Dental, Pediatric